Model appearance

Mariana Hnatiuk Interview

 Can you tell us a little about yourself? Can you share a unique or interesting aspect about yourself that people may not know? I’m a very open person, I like to help others, I like to spend time with people I can trust. I am very communicative and active in conversations. Apart from modeling, what…

Makeup and Hair Styling for Modeling

In the glamorous world of modeling, where every frame is a canvas and every step down the runway is a performance, the artistry of makeup and hair styling plays a pivotal role. It’s the magic wand that transforms a canvas into a masterpiece, and models into ethereal beings. Let’s delve into the captivating universe of…

Model’s Toolkit: Essential Beauty and Grooming Tips

Behind the stunning looks of every model lies a well-curated toolkit of beauty and grooming secrets. From flawless skin to lustrous hair, models are experts in enhancing their natural beauty. In this article, we’re unlocking the doors to the model’s toolkit, revealing essential beauty and grooming tips that serve as the foundation of their radiant…