Josef Volmer Interview

  •  Can you tell us a little about yourself? Can you share a unique or
    interesting aspect about yourself that people may not know?

I have been working as actor and model for 40 years. To act in front of camera or audience is what I like.
I live little outsite of Berlin, on countrysite, so I enjoy also calm.

  • Apart from modeling, what other passions or hobbies drive you?

A passion of me are dogs. I have 5. Every morning, when I am at home, I go with them on a walk.

  • If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world for a
    photoshoot, where would you choose and why?

If I cold choose I would like to work as model in the desert. I like Landschafts like that.

  • How would you describe your personal style? Do you have any fashion
    icons or inspirations?

I don’t have a personal style. I think fashion is a Form of art, it changes ad develops. Some I like model, some less.

  • What is your greatest weakness and how have you tried to overcome it?

May be my weakness is, that I can’t say no. Sometimes it would be better.

  • What are your strengths?

I am reliable and persistant

  •  What are you passionate about?

A passion of me is to read good litrature.

  • Could you share your career goals and aspirations for the next five years,
    both within and beyond the modeling industry?

Because I am a little older I don’t have really career goals, but I am curious what will happen

  • What inspired you to pursue a career in modeling? Was there a specific
    moment or experience that influenced your decision?

I was asked to model several times, so for me it is like to play a role

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