
The Role of Clients in the Modeling Agency Industry

In the dynamic world of modeling, clients are the cornerstone of the industry. They drive the demand for talent, shape trends, and play a critical role in the success of modeling agencies and the models they represent. Understanding the multifaceted role of clients in this ecosystem provides valuable insights into how the industry functions and…

Jeanette Thuy Interview

 Apart from modeling, what other passions or hobbies drive you? I’m extremely extroverted and thrive on meeting new people. One aspect about me is that I pursue acting through my agency and take regular acting classes. Alongside that, I have a passion for sports and am currently training for a marathon with a friend.One of…

Modeling Measurements

In the context of a modeling agency, accurate and comprehensive measurements are critical for the successful management and promotion of models. These measurements provide essential information about a model’s physical attributes, helping to match them with appropriate jobs and clients. In this essay, we will discuss the key measurements that models should have in a…