Roxana Alexandra Gavrila

Roxana Alexandra Gavrila Bio

My name is Roxana Alexandra Gavrilă , I’m a photographer based in Bucharest. I love portrait photography and capturing raw and spontaneous moments while wondering through the city with my clients. I own a small photography studio close to a forest and a lovely park.
My journey began at the “University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu”, where I earned my master's degree in Architecture back in 2014. Post-graduation, I delved into the world of architecture and design alongside my husband at a studio in Bucharest. My path eventually led me to freelance work in photography and graphic design, where my true passions lie.
I’ve been doing portrait photoshoots and event photography since 2014, but I am also open to commercial and product related photography commissions, so please don’t hesitate to contact me if you think we’d be a good fit for a collaboration.
Minimalist architecture, portrait photography, graphic design and travel fuel my creative fire.