Oleksandra Posukhovska

  • Height: 173
  • Bust: 89
  • Waist: 68
  • Hips: 100
  • Shoes: 39
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown

Oleksandra Posukhovska Bio

Meet Oleksandra our model from Barcelona,Spain!

Oleksandra Posukhovska In The News

2 Oct 2024

We are preparing a large page with all the photos from the contest, but while you wait, here are the winners of our Beauty Capture Contest in Alicante. The winners are Boris Martinez as Photographer and Natheson Thomas as Model, with an amazing shot in the old city of Alicante, Spain.

20 Aug 2024

Oleksandra Posukhovska’s life was irreversibly altered, instilling in her a profound appreciation for the fleeting nature of existence. A keen observer of the world, she possesses an innate ability to discern details others often overlook, embodying a philosophy of relentless positivity and a guiding principle: always say “yes,” a mindset that propels her growth. Beyond...

10 Oct 2023

Can you tell us a little about yourself? Can you share a unique or interesting aspect about yourself that people may not know? I’m Ukrainian, and when the war began, my life was completely changed. Nowadays, I really appreciate every moment. People always tell me that I can notice things that other people don’t notice....